Sugar Fit
Sugar Fit
Your path back from diabetes. A personalised evidence-based path to Type-2 and Prediabetes Reversal. Track your blood sugar level in real time. Get off Medication. Unmatched personalisation.
User Experience
Landing Page
Landing page is carefully crafted for its core demography taking them through why, what and how of the product. User flow is highly optimised for easy decision making and there, conversion.
Designing an experience
We designed a narrative driven landing page that breaks down the solution into its simplest form adding delightful interactions with every scroll
The Title
Our in-house team of strategists & consultants is complimented by our expert network of world-class specialists.
The knowledge hub
We understand when it comes to health, people have questions and they seek recommendations. Hence, a well designed and knowledge dense hub made perfect sense. These are the first step towards building an engaging community.
We understand users might still have questions, FAQs is a great way to provide additional support.