Sak's Newsletter HIJACKED

Who's hijacked Sak's newsletter? Find out more.
Hey You,
No suspense in here. I’m going to hijack my own newsletter today. Yes you heard that.
I’ve waited for this for quite a while and I debated with myself if I should use this forum to launch my own podcast. Quite a catch 22 it was I’m telling you.
But then, I don’t really sell any ad slots in here, so this is the least possible leeway that should be allowed, right? For those of you who’re receiving this for the first time in your inbox, don’t worry, stay with me on this one.
I’m going to keep this crisp and pointed.
Here’s presenting my latest limited edition podcast series: In The Haus (haus is house in German)
Episode 1, is with my dear friend and someone who I absolutely look up to: Aadit Palicha (Co-founder, Zepto). This episode has my heart: it’s thought provoking and definitely worth every salt of ambition that you think you have in you. Left me nerved for sure.
Leaving some interesting links for you to click and follow.
The Line-up:
The guest line up for this series has been beyond exceptional. Every single on of them have been such a delight to talk to. I bet you’re in for a ride through the next 10 weeks.

Behind The Scenes: In The Haus
For me, podcasting started out as a way to interact with interesting folks and constantly keep broadening my perspective. Not sure if many of you would know, but this is my 3rd podcast series. The first two have been such an amazing learning experience that I could take on a bolder format in India.
Travelling around the country for this series (In The Haus) was quite a surreal experience, especially because this was an in-person discussions with every guest. You get to see them in their element, on and off camera. Made some amazing friends on the way and definitely learnt tonnes.
I’m en route to launch another epic podcast series shortly, a new format and definitely exciting guests.
But for now, you enjoy your Sunday and tune into this first episode. Do show some love on LinkedIn & Twitter by sharing this episode and what you thought of it.
Next Sunday, back to exciting new topics I promise.
Until then,
With Gratitude,
(For those looking to subscribe to my bi-monthly newsletters, hit the subscribe button below)